Tannis Hett

Tannis Hett

Event & Partnerships Manager
Two years at Atlantic College in Wales, followed by a gap year, ignited Tannis' passion for international learning and experience. After obtaining degrees abroad from Cambridge University and the University of Chicago, Tannis worked in eight different countries as a consultant in the areas of international development, tourism and the environment for government, non-profit and NGO/INGO clients.

Tannis co-founded Verge Magazine and the Go Global Expo in 2002. She has managed most areas of the organization, and her work has taken her to all seven continents. Tannis is constantly impressed and inspired by the global community of travellers and learners who work towards making the world a better place, and is always honoured when they choose Verge to be part of their community.

Ethan Knight started working with Gap Years in 1996 when he took his own Gap Year to India, Nepal and Tibet.  After his Gap Year he returned to Willamette University where he graduated with a Bachelors degree in English and Philosophy.  He began his professional career at LEAPNOW, a Gap Year organization in California, and after 7 years launched his own organization, Carpe Diem Education which is headquartered in Portland, Oregon.  In 2012, Ethan launched the non-profit American Gap Association to establish best practices in Gap Year education, as well as focus on socio-economic parity in the field.  Ethan has led countless leadership training seminars, been a presenter at TEDx, been a guest speaker internationally, and believes firmly that education is the closest thing we have to a panacea for the world’s ills.

Wednesday, 09 September 2015 17:45

Richard Zereik

Richard Zereik a plus de 24 ans d’expérience internationale. Il a occupé des postes de haute direction dans les organisations actives dans l'aide humanitaire, le développement international, communautaire et dans l'aide à la jeunesse et en éducation supérieure, dont treize ans au sein de Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), trois ans à l’Université Concordia et huit ans à l’Université McGill.

Richard est présentement membre du Comité d'expert(e) en gestion des risques et de la sécurité de L’Observatoire canadien sur les crises et l’action humanitaires (OCCAH), et un agent de liaison pour l'Unité de santé psychosociale de MSF et est un coach, conseiller et mentor pour les gens qui veulent entreprendre une expérience internationale. Il siège sur le Conseil de direction de l’International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) et agit à titre de leur coordinateur régional pour le Canada. Il est membre des comités consultatifs du Salon 1861 et La Présence QI (Quartier de l’innovation) et est membre du conseil d'administration du Impact Hub Montréal. Richard a travaillé dans plusieurs pays autour du monde, notamment la Guyane, l'Arménie, la Sierra Leone, la Côte-d'Ivoire, le Soudan (Darfour), la République démocratique du Congo, l'Ouganda, l'ouest du Kenya, la Suisse et les Pays-Bas.    

Tuesday, 08 September 2015 16:17

Inscrivez vous

Pré-inscrivez-vous au Salon Expérience Internationale et recevez un abonnement gratuit d’un an à l’édition électronique du magazine Verge. Soyez l'un des 50 premiers visiteurs pré-inscrits à chaque Salon Expérience Internationale et recevez un guide de voyage de Rough Guides gratuit de la destination de votre choix !


Inscrivez vous!



Saturday, 05 September 2015 17:12

Careers for Globetrotters Panel Discussion

If you dream of having a career that enables you to travel, this info-packed session is not to be missed.

Come meet people who have been there and done it. Learn first-hand what kind of jobs are out there and how to get them. Whether you’re still in school, recently graduated or out in the workforce, our panel of professionals who have worked internationally in a range of fields—from humanitarian work to government, business and international development—will share their insights on how to set yourself up for an international career.

This session is brought to you by Verge Magazine in conjunction with their newest project Careers for Globetrotters, featuring interviews and insights from more than 100 people who have international careers.

Spaces are limited; please come early to avoid disappointment.

Please see below for profiles of the panelists.


Saturday, 05 September 2015 17:02

Minerva Cernea

Minerva is the Assistant Director of Internships and Corporate Services for the IMBA Program at Schulich School of Business, York University. She has extensive leadership experience, both locally and internationally, in managing organizations as well as selecting leaders/managers for different companies.  Minerva conducted executive search assignments for more than 17 years; she completed more than 450 senior-level assignments across the Industrial, Technology, Private Equity, and FMCG sectors in 17 countries from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

If you dream of having a career that enables you to travel, this info-packed session is not to be missed.

Come meet people who have been there and done it. Learn first-hand what kind of jobs are out there and how to get them. Whether you’re still in school, recently graduated or out in the workforce, our panel of professionals who have worked internationally in a range of fields—from humanitarian work to government, business and international development—will share their insights on how to set yourself up for an international career.

This session is brought to you by Verge Magazine in conjunction with their newest project Careers for Globetrotters, featuring interviews and insights from more than 100 people who have international careers.

Space is limited. Please arrive early.

Thursday, 25 September 2014 04:27

Richard Zereik

Richard Zereik has over 24 years of international experience. He has held senior management positions in organizations concerned with humanitarian emergencies, international, youth and community development and Higher education, including 13 years with Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF), three years at Concordia University and eight years at McGill University.

Richard is currently a member in the Committee of Experts in Risk Management and Security of the Observatoire canadien sur les crises et l’action humanitaires (OCCAH), a psychosocial support care unit focal point for MSF, and an international experiences Coach, Advisor & Mentor. He sits on the International Association of Student Affairs and Services’ (IASAS) Board of Management and is their Regional Coordinator for Canada. He is a member of the Advisory Committees of the Salon1861 and of La Présence QI (Quartier de l’innovation) and is a board member of the Impact Hub Montreal. He has worked in many countries around the world, including Guyana, Armenia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Sudan (Darfur), Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Western Kenya, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Monday, 22 September 2014 05:12

Hall d'exposition

Visitez les différents kiosques des exposants présents au Salon Expérience Internationale et discutez avec des experts représentant des universités à l'étranger, des organisations internationale de volontariat, des ONGs, des agents de recrutement et bien plus.

Vous êtes-vous déjà posé la question : " Ai-je vraiment besoin d'une assurance maladie quand je voyage ou travaille à l’étranger?" - Rien ne m’arrive jamais! »

Eh bien, nous révélons enfin des exemples concrets dont nous avons été témoins ces dernières années. Ce sont des expériences que vous n'auriez jamais crues possibles, même lors d'un bref week-end d'un séjour à l'étranger pour les vacances ou le travail : pouvez-vous faire ce voyage extraordinaire que nous sommes sur le point de vous faire vivre ?

Monday, 15 September 2014 08:14


Register for the event here (it is free, and will save you time at the door!) 

Toronto registration >>
Montreal registration >>
Boston registration >>

You may also create an account on our digital guide, to make full use of its features, such as making a list of exbhitiors and seminars that interest you.  

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